Tuesday, 21 August 2012

addendum to yesterday...

...so life still feeling good after the excitement of yesterday.

Wonderful messages coming in from all around the globe - thank you so much.  Lots of questions as well with the two most frequently asked being:

How did you celebrate?   Pizza and ice cream for tea, washed down with cups of tea and Monday night viewing of EastEnders!  Not exciting but did the job and felt just right (except of course Sophie was missing).

What Happened in Oxford?   The appointment was for 10.30, of course we were there by 10 - a very quiet drive except the normal  fight over which radio station (actually no fight, Ella always wins and we listen to Radio 1).  As usual Ella stood out like a sore thumb (arm!) in the waiting room with the average age of all the other patients being 60.  The clock crept passed 10.30 and onto 10.50 - during which time we hardly spoke, the tension increased and I resorted to pelvic floor exercises (I hate doing these at the best of times and always put them off unless absolutely necessary!).  Finally we heard "Ella Redman" and jumped up into one of the many consulting rooms with Max Gibbons - the orthopaedic surgeon who has carried out the last two operations on Ella's arm.  He didn't even shut the door and simply said - "its all good news.................".  Then the tears came and the overwhelming relief.  I think he told us 2 or 3 times to get it into our heads.    Then it was off for x rays and then wait to see  Henk Giele the Plastic Surgeon who has done all the clever reconstruction work and rebuilt Ella's shoulder.  He was so lovely, kind and gentle - and as reported yesterday seems delighted with his work but wants no shoulder movement for another six weeks.

Finally - around 1pm we left Oxford and started the familiar drive home, I was "away with the fairies" and took the wrong turning at least twice.  Ella shouted at me "CONCENTRATE" - so I did and got us home safe and sound, back to Allington Rd and back to "Getting Better".


  1. YES! *punches hand in air with happiness!* What brilliant news!! And pizza and icecream and crap tv sounds like the perfect night in celebrating! Lots of love!

  2. Fandabbydosey - from across the pond.
