Monday 14 November 2011

We are back from Oxford!

We are back from Oxford!

Firstly we had a review meeting with Duncan Whitwell (Ella's consultant - see pictures below if you really want to know what he looks like!), lots of chat - but to keep it short the plan is to run cycle 3 of the chemo treatment (so back into Bristol Oncology hospital) on Wednesday this week with an aim to completing the cycle before Christmas.  Then hopefully surgery on her arm in early January 2012.  He will be clearer on this and what the surgery will involve once he has reviewed the scan results and discussed with his team.   What ever the outcome he will be taking all the bone out of her upper arm and giving her an "artificial shoulder" at some point, so quite a big operation which will involve a plastic surgeon as well.

Ella then went and had the PET scan, and they will call us next week to discuss the results.  We also have a face to face meeting in early December to discuss the surgery options and plans in detail.

WOW - as ever a huge amount to take in.  Ella was braver than me today and asked lots of questions and seemed to take it all in her stride, but now exhausted.


  1. Good to hear the latest news. And glad Ella coped with it so well. Sending all my love from up north! georgina xxx

  2. Duncan Whitwell looks like fun! Love these updates, only just worked out how to comment after days of trying, oh dear. Annie xxx

  3. Nah, I didnt have the settings right, so you were doing nothing wrong, it was me!!!!!
