Thursday, 15 November 2012

One Way Traffic....

...Thanks to our friend Ruth for articulating the current situation so well.   Ruth popped into today for five minutes to just say hi and drop something off for Ella from Georgina.

Her wise words were "its one way traffic in at present" - as in just keep sending the messages (e mail, blog comments, snail mail, texts, Facebook posts etc) - but don't expect anything back, especially from Ella.

Every inch of Ella's being is just focused on getting through each minute of the day, and I have to say every inch of me is not far behind her.

I know, that you already know and totally understand what Ruth said, but just wanted to let you know that every single message you send Ella, Sophie or me is fantastic and does not go unnoticed.  Each one has been extraordinary and unique in its sentiment, message and sometimes offers.

They have come from all corners of the world, from friends old and new, from the famous and not so famous, from short to long, from people we know and don't know.   Without exception they all help and get us through these very long and difficult days.

My mantra is "Keep On Keeping On" - or as Ella said earlier this evening (when she was awake for five minutes)  "Just hoping that if I keep going with the Radiotherapy, it will pay off".

Please let the pay back be massive!


  1. Indeed, let's hope it pays back - some OWT on way which may just amuse!

  2. "2 steps back ; 3 steps forward !" - remains my hope and is in my prayers xx

  3. There's an army of people out here checking in with your posts, willing you on, praying and sending positive thoughts. That you manage to write as often as you do is just amazing. What a woman. xxx

  4. Jo you don't have to keep being appreciative - we know - trust that we know and concentrate all your energies on you and Ella and Soph - you don't need to do more - you already give us so much by giving us this blog so we can keep in touch keep hoping and wishing and praying and keep sending you all the positive love and all encompassing hope we can muster and that won't stop - let the payback be huge and let the pain reduce - things sound so so tough at the moment its time for you all that must come first xxxxxxx all my love as ever Suzy xx

  5. Hi there from another member of that army. Just to let you know how present you are in our lives and hearts right now. We're willing you on. xxx

  6. Jo......really funny that you should mention your Mantra..... Having had a number of these hammered into us over the last 2 weeks.....albeit original Hindu or Buddist ones....... Here's praying and hoping that some of the spiritual majic that there meant to bring work for Ella...... Love Uncle Jim x

  7. I shall use the words of a very wise fish - Dory from Finding Nemo "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming". Thinking of you all - every day. Much love Sarah (Tina's friend) xxx

  8. Stay strong Jo, you are doing brilliantly. As proud as you are of your two amazing girls, believe me we are all in awe of you and your ability to keep everything going, however hard it is, and we appreciate so much that you keep us all in touch with what Ella and Sophie and you are going through. It keeps the usual taboos and awkward moments to a minimum so that we can concentrate on willing/wishing/hoping and praying that there will soon be better times ahead for you all. xxx

  9. Can't really add much more to what's already been said, just remember all the virtual love & support that is surrounding you all from those of us who arn't physically close at hand x

  10. ...and every inch of us is willing you on xxx

  11. Watching in the background Jo. i don't really know anyone that doesn't think you're amazing. And that was pre-2011. Thoughts and prayers and lots of love Xx
