Sunday, 4 November 2012


... is a good word for describing life at present.

Everything and everyone has been reduced - in colour, stature, size, personality, volume and being.

That is the effect of cancer on those it lives in and all of us around the person concerned.

But - reduced does not mean diminished, giving up, pathetic or game over.  Simply recognition that this is yet again a period of transition and adjustment as we move from one stage to another.

On a more "in your face" approach - Ella found the picture below - which I meant to post on Halloween.  It is very rude so please don't scroll down if you don't like swear words - but apply the sentiment/words to what we would like to say to cancer and it may help for a few seconds!


  1. Brilliant....our thoughts too.

    Can't stop...have another blog to get on to!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Tried to delete first post of comment below as I noticed a typo, but it seems to leave this marker!

  3. Really Jo, swearing on the blog is not really on; unless it is as funny as that picture, love Rob (comment posted from Granddad's computer)

  4. There is something immensely satisfying when saying that out loud with grest emphasis on the ffffffff, and indeed is an extremely appropriate sentiment xxx

  5. Its a great picture that says it all all even if only momentarily(and its what the disease deserves every now and again!) love Uncle Jim x

  6. Tomorrow they can take the biggest rocket and shove is straight up the a##e of the Big C !!!

  7. And so say all of us !! CJ xxx

  8. Rude or not its right on the money!! in fact I think its quite tame considering xxxxxx Love to all at Allington Rd from Suzy :0)
