Friday, 21 December 2012

Ebb and flow... the tides, constant and endlessly - my wonderful girlfriends move around me.

Some how - you all just seem to know when to be and not to be.  The touch, the moment, the sentiment, the words hold me steady and let me know its OK to be however I need to be.

Gentle, endless encouragement, reassurance and pointers of hopefulness to the future.

Priceless .......and to see and feel the same from a new generation of girlfriends - Ella's girlfriends for Ella, Sophie and me and of course -  Sophie's girlfriends for her.

I have posted this before from an American lady called Kelly Corrigan

we'll rally around and hold each other up and it wont be nearly enough but it will help the time pass just a hair faster than it would have otherwise. We will wait patiently and lovingly for that first laugh after the loss.  When it comes, and it will come, we will cry as we howl and we clutch as we circle, we will transcend ladies because we did all this in the worse moment, we will transcend"

The fully essay is called Transcending


  1. That first sentence that you posted from Transcending is so incredibly apt. Love you and see you Sunday.

  2. Wow! Have just played Kelly Corrigan reading the whole of this on U-tube, and felt so moved by it. What an amazing lady to write such an incredibly moving piece - and to read it so beautifully. Thanks Jo - think the appropriate word would be "awesome" (in an American accent)
    xx Aza
