Sunday, 23 December 2012

Rain, a picnic and frogs...

...a busy day yesterday with all events taking place in the truly lashing horrific rain.

1.  Water pouring down the walls in my bedroom - along with many others it seem my roof can no longer cope with the relentless wet weather.  Still its only in one room and in comparison to many others in the UK effected by flood water - it's nothing!

2.  Attempting to finish Xmas Shopping - again the weather making this already difficult job even harder

3.  With Ella's wonderful girlfriends we gathered for a mince pie picnic at lunchtime.  This was supposed to be at Woodlands so that we could be with Ella.  Rain "stopped play" so we met at Allington Rd, ate and drank there before heading out to see Ella.  She's a bit soggy and muddy - but has had lots of visitors this week - and some very interesting presents.  A christmas tree, decorations, letters, a Dr Who tardis (ella LOVED Dr Who) and flowers.  The wind and the rain buffeted us around, but we stood firm and chatted and were just with Ella, but of course wishing so much that she really was with us.

4.  Finally - it would seem the wet rather has bought out the frogs and toads, and Brian - god love her - is bringing them one by one into the house.  YEUK - alive and hopping they seem startled, but unharmed.  We scream for Mr Kennedy to remove them - which he does.  The cat flap is locked - no more thank you Brian!


  1. Big soggy hugs from me! Its raining here too, but gladly no frogs!
    Glad the Tardis has made an appearance to keep Ella company. There is now no end of time travel she can do ;)
    Love you, miss you, always in my heart and in my thoughts xxxxxx

    1. Bless, thanks Laura, we miss you so much xxx

  2. Sounds like a busy few days for all keep on keeping on Jo you are wonderful - and a flood to cope with too poor you - glad Ella has a tree, it looks lovely if a bit wet! sending you both all my love and missing my Ella bella. Like you, wishing. wishing she was here - hope to see you over the christmas break. Thinking of you all constantly All my love girls Suzy xxxxxxxxx

    1. Will call you after Xmas to see what we can arrange
      Happy Christmas to you and you lovely family x

  3. How lovely of Brian to want to bring you Christmas gifts...please send our love to Ella next time you vist - just smiling as I think of her first christmas and the party we had for the'tots' and remembering the baffled expressions they had as they all gazed at each others cracker hats that we made them wear:)

    Love to you all xxx
